Up until the 1960s, Berea provided pre-college education in addition to college level curriculum.
Richards received most of his pre-college education from his mother.
The correct solution is a preventive measure: Raise the standards in pre-college education.
He said Exxon had spent at least $1.5 million annually for pre-college education, beginning in 1986.
It's clear that the solution lies in the 12 years of pre-college education.
Their seven children got their pre-college educations at home with their parents as instructors.
Federal spending for pre-college education is now about $20 billion, so if no existing programs were replaced, this could double federal school spending.
For Chuck Faucette, it was one stop in his pre-college education.
Residential Education, broadly defined, is a pre-college education provided in an environment where students both live and learn outside of their family homes.
I suspect that most of these students are the children of professionals who received excellent pre-college educations.