Theaters sometimes use Claque who are instructed to give ovations at pre-arranged times.
Theaters sometimes use specially planted audience members who are instructed to give ovations at pre-arranged times.
In between visits, fill in the gaps with a weekly phone call to the child at a pre-arranged time.
Then she would drop off her daughter at a pre-arranged time and leave.
It's a less direct route, so you'll have to go at warp seven most of the way to get there at the pre-arranged time.
However, he did not report to the team at the pre-arranged time, and on March 5, the Panthers suspended him indefinitely without pay.
At exactly the pre-arranged time of one o'clock, Evans was standing under the church clock when McCartney arrived.
Nightly, at a pre-arranged time, the bank manager phoned him.
Typically, the Deputy Stage Manager sends signals to these cue lights at pre-arranged times.
The Interminable Waiting: Why can't concerts be more like movies, where you know the show will get underway at a pre-arranged time?