Zone A encompasses the pre-Hispanic city and its expansion from the Viceroy period until Independence.
The state is named after its capital, Tlaxcala, which was also the name of the pre-Hispanic city and culture.
This is the name the Aztecs gave the old pre-Hispanic city before the Spanish arrived and means "land of the dead."
It is nothing like the bustling pre-Hispanic and early colonial city it used to be, maintaining only of fraction of its former population and prestige.
The history of the pre-Hispanic city is unclear.
In 1533, Rumiñahui, burned the city to prevent the Spanish from taking it, thereby destroying any traces of the ancient pre-Hispanic city.
The pre-Hispanic city had official neighborhoods, called capullis, which the Spanish reorganized around parish churches, each with a patron saint.
However, unlike many other pre-Hispanic cities, which were abandoned or destroyed before or immediately after the Conquest, Cholula has remained to this day.
Monte Albán is a pre-Hispanic city that was an ancient capital of the Zapotecs.
Buritaca is one of the largest pre-Hispanic cities to be discovered in South America.