In the 19 th century, "prayer chains" encouraged the faithful to pray for someone in need and extend the chain.
Some woman writes about how she's started a prayer chain for me.
Our father started the parish library, and our mother was the prime link on the local prayer chain, phoning other parishioners when someone took ill.
Churchgoers from Calvary Baptist Church, where Mr. Hamill is a member, were taking shifts in a round-the-clock prayer chain.
"We shall offer penitence for our failure to be a Christian nation," read a prayer chain in May 1960, part of the Union Jubilee Festival.
It was a roped prayer chain of precisely that many knots, and his battalion of black-robed, bushy-bearded monks had plenty more.
"I'm not concerned," said Father Amartolos as he stood guard this morning at the entrance to the Esfigmenou monastery, his fingers tying knots in a new prayer chain.
Prayer is the most challenging call in this ministry; if you would like to join the prayer chain do contact the team.
The pastors say they are available at all hours and some churches have organized round-the-clock "prayer chains" in which the faithful take turns, usually at hourlong stretches, praying for the victims of the blast.
While I'm not convinced that Palahniuk is a stellar writer, several portions of the book - such as his description of prayer chains as "a spiritual pyramid scheme.