In interviews, Moon Moon Sen has praised her husband's character and his support of her professional life.
For days, ads hailing Iraq, praising the King's support for Saddam and assailing America have dominated local papers.
Neither actually endorsed him, but both praised his support for trade measures that would punish foreign competitors for "unfair" practices.
John Paul applied these concepts to an American context when he praised Americans' generous support of aid programs.
Morocco has been given the status of non-Nato ally by Washington, which has praised its support for the US-led war on terror.
The fliers praise Mr. Gore's record on education and health care and his support of the right to organize a union.
He went on to praise Hamilton's support for Federalism and his insistence that the central government assume the debts of the states.
Manstein praised Richthofen's support, describing his air operations as decisive in the Kerch victory.
Groups supporting individual gun ownership, as it has come to be defined since the 1970s, praised Ashcroft's support through DOJ for the Second Amendment.
I think we should also praise your support of the Convention as a method where the two pillars of democratic legitimacy are combined. Thank you for this.