He was particularly scornful of the sober attention accorded Hollywood stars when they testify before Congress, and, by inference, of the praise being lavished on Diana for coming out against land mines.
Here, Aqualad is shown to be in his late teens and is very resentful of the praise lavished upon Aquaman, eventually telling him off in the episode's final scene.
Beginning with a montage of floats, as a victory parade for conquering the Midianites, Gideon stops the parade to explain that the large amount of praise lavished on him was not his to take.
The praise lavished on Balls by some of his contemporaries in today's newspapers is justified.
Elena's cult was if anything more bizarre than her husband's; the claims made on her behalf were even less credible than the praise lavished on Nicolae.
The praise lavished on the Connecticut women's basketball team for finishing an unbeaten season with a national title was merited.
The Netherlands' "ship of peace" was not to enjoy the praise lavished on her for long.
In a way, it was odd that she put no blame on her brother for the praise lavished on him.
Yet for all the praise lavished on Ptushko's techniques, Russian critics have paid far less attention to him than to other directors.
Given the praise lavished on these syrahs, the Dining section's tasting panel may be forgiven for having looked forward to this sampling of 23 bottles.