Robert Menendez, praised for bringing projects home, has also been accused of cronyism.
The inscription praises Pope Paul in poetic terms for bringing water to the residents of the district.
The election was held under a new law praised for bringing Kazakhstan closer to international standards than most former Soviet republics.
The proclamation praised him for bringing professionalism to the police department and reducing crime.
But several local officials praised the Indians for bringing jobs to the economically struggling region.
Several union representatives also praised the project for bringing in new jobs and for giving a "shot in the arm" to the city's economy.
However, she went on to praise the final climatic battle for bringing plenty of thrills and excitement.
Lawson also went on to praise Tennant for bringing a "proper tragic force" to the role and was again shown in this last story.
The police chief leading the Lawrence murder inquiry praised the victim's parents for bringing major changes "in society as a whole".
The Spectator also praised the author for bringing history to life.