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Not everyone took that pragmatic stance.
OneKind adopts a pragmatic stance on animal welfare issues, choosing to engage with legislators and those involved in animal experimentation to further their cause.
That tide has prompted some Chambers of Commerce, normally famous for putting America first, to adopt a much more pragmatic stance.
The prime minister's pragmatic stance acknowledges that most Australians have a deep and enduring affection for the Queen.
Faced with a total impasse in trade negotiations, the president adopted the more pragmatic stance of his Republican predecessor.
Barrett, a plumber by trade, is widely remembered for his centred, pragmatic stance on issues, and influence in the development of the Oakville waterfront.
In this climate, support for federalism and Iraqi citizenship is a pragmatic stance.
The Yankees assumed a pragmatic stance when they negotiated with Cone last fall.
"He has managed to maintain a pragmatic and realistic stance despite being surrounded by sharks."
Several of his aides have been assassinated, and he remains a target for those who oppose his pragmatic stance or hope to ignite civil war.