Used as a pragmatic response to an accident.
It is, in this sense, a pragmatic response to the disadvantages of modernity.
Mr. Bloomberg does not see his cause as such, but rather as a pragmatic response to crime.
It's a pragmatic response to the economic failures of 2010-11, which inevitably piles up more borrowing to pay for the non-growth.
The pragmatic response by Irlen was not to try to fix the problem but to avoid it.
So the only pragmatic response available to me is to dig in to help him, instead.
Nor was it "a pragmatic, activist response to the immediate historical situation."
The European Commission's proposal is a pragmatic response to these aspirations, focusing on reducing costs.
To managers, it is simply a pragmatic response to changed conditions.
We need to move from rhetoric to a more pragmatic and speedy response.