Design Science Research is one example of research firmly situated in a pragmatic perspective.
From a pragmatic perspective, aggregating sentences together often suggests to the reader that these sentences are related to each other.
The Chinese leadership has adopted a more pragmatic perspective on many political and socioeconomic problems and has reduced the role of ideology in economic policy.
This more pragmatic perspective extends to the industry's view of itself as not so special after all.
And from a pragmatic perspective, it may convince the next batch we pick up that we mean it.
Such musicians would bring a fresh, pragmatic perspective to the deliberations.
These aim at providing the much needed pragmatic perspective which nurtures the practicality of the subject.
Other students assumed a more pragmatic perspective which Eison termed a grade orientation.
The Chinese leadership adopted a pragmatic perspective on many political and socioeconomic problems, and quickly began to introduce aspects of a capitalist economic system.
They offer a consistent and pragmatic perspective written in the light of the unemployment avalanche on our horizon.