For a long time, neither of us discussed it, speaking only of those pragmatic matters necessary for travel.
This is a pragmatic matter of achieving meaning by using linguistic signs as evidence.
And as a pragmatic matter, their pain affects us.
While they continue as a pragmatic matter to join the Christian Democrats in coalition governments, they dream of one day surpassing the Communists and leading the left-wing forces.
Or haven't discussed pragmatic matters such as who is going to balance the checkbook or when they will start trying to have children.
Perhaps that's a matter for the next generation: Eagle-Eye, more at peace with himself, or Neneh, more assertive and pragmatic about her needs.
What there has been is a steady process of learning that management and business is a pragmatic matter depending entirely on people and how they react.
But it was obvious that his audience was more interested in pragmatic matters closer to home.
Respect for laws is a pragmatic matter.
The arrangements concern not only purely pragmatic matters, but also the multiannual sectoral programme, which provides for cooperation in terms of responsible fishing, sustainable fisheries and joint scientific research.