Only then will there be a chance to have different, more pragmatic leadership.
They said Vietnam had "a more pragmatic and less rigid leadership" and had lifted many restrictions on religious believers there.
This year, President Obama's principled and pragmatic leadership paved the way forward for Congress to approve three export-enhancing, job-supporting trade agreements with historic levels of support.
But when Israel had a pragmatic leadership (Olmert and Livni), you berated them too.
The new, pragmatic leadership emphasized economic development and renounced mass political movements.
We spoke admiringly of Mandela's single-minded pragmatic leadership even though the two men were ideologically apart in prison and, according to others, on cool terms personally.
The Governor's supporters say the compromises are not signs of weakness but of pragmatic leadership.
Under his more pragmatic leadership, the general strike was called off because it was feared that it would provide the imperial government with an excuse for greater oppression.
Due to their location in history, such generations tend to be remembered for their adrift, alienated rising-adult years and their midlife years of pragmatic leadership.
The Zulu Nation needed strong and pragmatic leadership at this particular point in time to preserve first their Kingdom and second their way of life (culture).