In the first two seasons Waverly is depicted as an unsentimental, tough, pragmatic leader.
It implies modernization and a focus on the future, key themes for Europe's new generation of pragmatic social-democratic leaders.
Mr. Zyuganov argues that he is a pragmatic leader who made the best decision for the nation.
But he refashioned himself as a more pragmatic leader who publicly relegated his religion to the sidelines.
On another level, however, it is a stroke that could help the pragmatic clerical leader accomplish three objectives.
Patriarch German was a pragmatic religious leader in times that were very oppressive for religion.
But he has left the Palestinians with no dignified exit from the conflict, weakening their pragmatic leaders.
Students are cultivated to become pragmatic leaders in their various fields both in and outside the country.
At home, there is a realization among the more pragmatic leaders that repression and economic hardship could easily translate into political opposition.
Compared to other Soviet officials, Kosygin stood out as a pragmatic and relatively independent leader.