In 3 we have discussed theories of the pragmatic interpretation of language: how people create meaning and make sense of what is said in specific circumstances.
Whatever cultural variation there may be in pragmatic interpretation, we may be sure that its interaction with form is language specific.
Resisting pragmatic interpretations of Heidegger's thought, then, Harman is able to propose an object-oriented account of metaphysical substances.
Here he has shown uncommon common sense and rendered sound, pragmatic interpretations of the law.
For the rationality of our practice would then be in question, and a pragmatic interpretation, with all its epicycles, might be our only shield against a terrible indictment.
There, he preaches a moderate and more pragmatic interpretation of moral guidance in Islam.
The speeches delivered from the balcony at City Hall later yield a more pragmatic interpretation: for the majority here, "Germany" means the Deutschmark minus socialism.
Certain exceptions exist, however, according to the pragmatic interpretation of a verb's meaning.
That is a pragmatic argument for limiting the pragmatic interpretation of our Constitution.
Quality in business, engineering and manufacturing has a pragmatic interpretation as the non-inferiority or superiority of something; it is also defined as fitness for purpose.