There are early signs of a pragmatic compromise.
While animal products were to be avoided during times of penance, pragmatic compromises often prevailed.
The record of this government, conviction-inspired though it thinks of itself as being, is replete with pragmatic compromise of every kind.
But this pragmatic compromise is being challenged once again.
Between 1890 and 1910 the dominant strategy of regulation involved a pragmatic compromise between the state and private organizations.
Microsoft embraced the settlement as a pragmatic compromise.
Mr. McCain's detractors say it shows that he has been unable to cut the pragmatic political compromises.
The administration should accept a pragmatic compromise before the Bosnia peacekeeping mandate expires tomorrow night.
There is excellent evidence, for instance, that Mr. Abrams could make pragmatic compromises.
As such, it is the kind of pragmatic compromise that makes sense to people who respect autonomy while fearing unregulated sexuality.