At the same time, the agrarian past, with its more pragmatic attitudes toward livestock, is receding from memory.
She approached it with a pragmatic attitude suitable for the most cynical silth.
The establishment within English of a fully integrated career structure encouraged more pragmatic attitudes towards the discipline.
And I'm far from convinced that this is a consequence of an entirely pragmatic attitude to unwanted pregnancies among the young.
But Pikel, for all his obvious enchantment, kept a pragmatic attitude about the situation.
People take a pragmatic attitude; windows are boarded up, fans taken down.
We only want the human race to face whatever's out there with open eyes, open minds, and a pragmatic attitude.
Her son, Binky, had a more pragmatic attitude toward his neighborhood's transformation.
He defined a pragmatic attitude as the capacity to absorb any contingency that might appear along The way.
His pragmatic attitude saves the Pāmen from many of their tribulations.