By one estimate, there are more than 100,000 fortunetellers in the country, and schools that train professional practitioners add to the number every year.
Every new male practitioner recruited, trained, supported and established in the early year's sector is a small success.
In fact, medical schools do not train general practitioners or surgeons; this happens after medical school.
It is essential for the person with the illness to get a professional assessment first, from a practitioner trained in eating recovery.
Many of the major international non-governmental organizations have seen a growing need to hire practitioners trained in conflict analysis and resolution.
'It's for me to judge how best to train practitioners of Artifice.'
Dr. Cohen said the program was intended to train practitioners rather than theoreticians.
The field was an early adopter of this technology and has used it to train students and practitioners at all levels for the past several decades.
Also, many of the major international NGOs have seen a growing need to hire practitioners trained in conflict analysis and resolution.
In contrast, for example, the oral surgery specialty consist of over 7,000 practitioners trained in formal programs at teaching hospitals throughout the nation.