Game programming has many specialized disciplines; practitioners of any may regard themselves as "game programmers".
Private practitioners may still regard him with bemusement, but they have begun to refer patients.
Authenticity, in other words, is a confrontation not with the self, which its practitioners regard as elusive and false, but with death, horror, being, nothingness.
Therefore, practitioners regard exorcism as more of a cure than a punishment.
Tiedemann was a pioneer of empirical psychology, and an early practitioner in regards to scientific study of child development.
Therefore, practitioners regard exorcism as a cure and not some kind of punishment.
Some medical practitioners regard this as a cynical use of their time and skill, thus they use the term "ganfyd" pejoratively.
Psychologists and medical practitioners regard fetishism as normal variations of human sexuality.
On the other hand, practitioners and companies regard professional accreditation as especially important in this field.