In addition to psychiatrists and psychologists, the practitioners include pediatricians, social workers and nurses.
Some practitioners might include the neck, the back and even the whole body in describing problems with the TMJs.
Stated-choice practitioners should include a current medication in choice surveys to control for this bias.
There are generally seven recognized layers in a food forest, although some practitioners also include fungi as an eighth layer:
Some unaligned practitioners include theorists of the concept of "differential accumulation".
Within each year, the practitioner must include 1 point for each of three core areas:
The school trains holistic practitioners and includes the Wholistic Health Center, an outpatient family clinic.
Other practitioners who can do this include:
To avoid problems caused by incorrectly drafted legal instruments, practitioners in some jurisdictions include a "saving clause" almost universally as a form of disclaimer.
In contrast, practitioners of socially responsible investing also include negative (avoidance) criteria as part of their investment decisions.