Some very few practitioners claim that they can successfully treat patients of any age using the splint activator.
Many practitioners claim influence from the Dorrance brothers and Hunt, some having trained directly with these individuals.
Some lean practitioners claim that hand drawn maps are of more benefit describing value stream mapping as a pencil and paper activity.
Some practitioners also claim that relaxation techniques, particularly the use of imagery, can prolong life.
Since accounting is a highly technical, standards oriented profession, both practitioners and academics may claim to be experts.
Some practitioners claim that certain food intolerances can be similarly overcome, but this has yet to be proven scientifically.
This is a romantic idea, and practitioners of just about every branch of science now claim paradigm shifts almost yearly.
But anti-aging practitioners claim it is safe at low dosage.
Zero Balancing is non-diagnostic, thus practitioners claim to bring the "whole person" into a state of "balance" rather than treating specific problems.
Its practitioners claim a net profit from their method, which often produces activity on a deal that others would pass out.