Some practitioners argue that a very detailed analysis of the organisation should be carted out at this time.
This was certainly perceptive, and most practitioners would argue strongly for strengthening the role of the DBA.
Some researchers and practitioners have argued for an "exhaustion only" model that views that symptom as the hallmark of burnout.
Some practitioners argue that "texts" do not have to be confined to printed texts, but can include artifacts such as objects, physical spaces, and the like.
Some practitioners argue that the criticisms levied against the Buddhist religion draw on examples from sub-traditions not in consonance to Buddhist principles.
In this respect the answering of an examination question differs somewhat from the giving of an opinion in legal practice, A practitioner will not argue legal points unnecessarily.
Some scholars as well as practitioners have argued that established companies simply lack the flexibility to explore new territories.
Other practitioners argue that the return to addiction is a separate problem, not a reason to condemn rapid detox.
Still, some religious leaders and practitioners of alternative medicine argue that because prayer is so common a response to illness, researchers have a responsibility to investigate it.
Some practitioners of building biology argue that lobbying by the insurance, building material and chemical industries keeps unhealthy building practices in legal building.