They had practised together for only an hour, yet it seemed like an eternity.
The two girls are close friends and practised together in preparation for this tournament.
Eduard worked as a tennis coach for kids, and we practised together.
When Bounce started to practise together they knew pretty soon that they wanted to do something more.
The family practised together in their garden, and by the age of seven, Archie wanted to be a cricketer.
With two new players, the quartet spend two years practising together before they performed again in public.
Thereafter they practised together, and it is not always possible to distinguish the work of the father from that of the son.
The breathing they had learned in class and had practised together wasn't for Morley.
Rehearsals are from 3.50 until 5.00 on alternate Tuesday afternoons, although the members often practise together in their own time outside of formal rehearsal times.
Can you two manage to practise together sometimes?