He kept her on a strong practice regimen, with as much as four hours a day of lessons on the harp and piano.
Because of this he was able to continue his daily practice regimen.
Surely, Ms. Cook must have a daily practice regimen for keeping her voice in shape.
For promising junior players, refining the kinesthetic sense is the main goal of the extreme daily practice regimens we often hear about.
The center offers a daily practice regimen, as well as retreats and workshops.
A distinctive feature of the folk dhadi's art has been a continuous and strict practice regimen.
He reluctantly agrees and the two begin a rigorous practice regimen over the following weeks.
Professor Lazarus said that as an advocate before the court, Judge Roberts had a precise practice regimen.
As a player, she developed a passion for Bach, whose music remains part of her daily practice regimen.
A concert pianist I know submits daily to a relentless practice regimen.