A similar practice, termed "selling out," prevails when a purchaser fails to take up his securities.
As noted earlier (p. 178), the commercial practices prevailed over any radical intentions.
This practice, which is annoying and a supreme waste of time, prevails in a number of restaurants, despite objections from customers.
Observers noted, for example, that sometimes competitive practices prevailed that were not in the best interests of efficient mobilization.
This practice still prevails in the case of dioceses which have chapters to elect.
As this practice prevailed, the people gradually came to be known as "Hoosiers."
The practice of not labeling the Jewish holidays prevailed in the 1950's, according to faculty members.
These practices could not prevail without the cooperation of the Customs office.
Humiliating practices aimed at stamping out the Breton language and culture prevailed in state schools until the late 1960s.
Member States need to develop their legislation, regulations, etc. so that best practice prevails, and that means looking at each others' solutions.