The practice, called zoning, ensured that readers would have the most local news product available to them on the front page of their paper.
This practice will ensure that the average project duration will be minimized.
It was traditionally believed that the frequent practice of these principles as a beginning calligrapher could ensure beauty in one's writing.
These two practices ensure the maximum possible vitamin content for this foodstuff.
This practice ensured as many bondholders as possible were reliable club members.
Good historical practice will usually ensure that the attainment targets are covered many times over in the course of the work.
Traditionally, elders say, the practice ensured that the extended family would take care of widows.
This practice has survived for centuries and ensures that all households have access to clean water.
The practice ensured and continues to do so that any land or property owned by the deceased husband would continue to stay in his family.
This practice ensures the inclusion of all relevant data.