Competitive dancing requires dedication as many months may be spent practicing dance and developing dance routines.
"So we have children on one side of a door practicing dance or gymnastics and parents yakking on the other side."
She has been practicing dance since the age of four and did her masters in Kathak dance.
A variety of common rooms can be booked by students for conferences and meetings, playing games, practicing dance or martial arts, and watching movies or sports.
While studying at university, the young Chandrasekharan started practicing dance without informing his parents and studied Kathakali under the guidance of Guru Gopinath.
Sushma's sister Sangita (Madhubala) is practicing dance for her stage debut in a play called "Boy Friend."
While studying at the university, he started practicing dance without informing his parents.
We see one of the first filming sessions where she is (supposed to be) practicing dance.
She has practiced classical dance since her childhood.
He developed this dance while practicing dance with his sister and searching for a way to dance to popular slow ballads.