The faces are more familiar here, and the practice clothes tattier.
I threw my practice clothes into my dance bag with shaking 309 hands and ran all the way to the studio.
Like everything else, they were danced in practice clothes without their usual decor and lighting.
The performers, dressed in silvery gray practice clothes, seem almost to stroll into each dance, having paused between.
So I rushed back to the City Center and again into my practice clothes, trying to get ready for that evening.
On the surface the ballet is a brief, plotless piece for three women and a man in practice clothes.
Gianni Versace designed the chic practice clothes for most of the other sections.
When I got home, Deborah had fallen asleep across her bed, still dressed in practice clothes.
They are dressed in dark, informal practice clothes and carry water bottles.
At home in his large, airy dressing room, with the fire lit against the cold, Michael took off his sweaty practice clothes.