Almost half of the staff members are practicing artists.
Part of the reason for this, she thinks, is that the collection was assembled by practicing artists rather than curators.
It is the highest Indian recognition given to practicing artists.
Half of the arts project's 18-member staff are practicing artists, and it is an organization in which everyone pitches in.
The faculty must be practicing professional artists, and the students are considered artists-in-training, expected to uphold professional standards for their art.
He is married to Emma Briggs and they are practicing artists working together.
Founded in 2001, a.a.s has been described as an 'imaginary' art group that makes use of real, practicing artists to meet its ends.
Classes are taught by practicing artists, who serve as mentors for their students.
There are probably not many archduchesses who are practicing artists.
All instructors are practicing artists who also serve as mentors to their students.