She practically whispered the last two words, then paused, breathing so hard that Luke could hear it through the phone.
"Christmas carolers are not trespassers," Nora insisted, practically whispering.
"Yes," he said gently, leaning so close he was practically whispering in her ear.
"He may hang in there for hours or even days," Berger went on, in a voice so soft he was practically whispering.
In fact, they were practically whispering between themselves, digging through the circuits.
O'Neill practically whispered this prediction, apparently not wanting Posada to hear that he had forecast a glorious future for him.
Befitting the tone of the restaurant, servers are demure and polite; indeed, they practically whisper when they describe dishes.
He practically whispered the name.
Over an electronic beat that's alternately eerie and menacing, Cassie practically whispers the lyrics.