He got to messing around with sisal fiber, found Out how to fuse it, and boomed the baflana industry by producing a practically unbreakable cord from the stuff.
As with all the weapons manufactured by HAFDASA, the C4 is a practically unbreakable and strong weapon, though as those of its epoch, quite heavy.
There may be nothing new about the fact that increasing computational power eventually deprecates encryption methods that were once considered practically unbreakable, but such advances typically don't occur overnight.
They turned out to be practically unbreakable as well as hard-wearing.
It was very strong - practically unbreakable.
Deathstrike's skeleton has been artificially laced with molecules of adamantium, rendering her skeletal structure practically unbreakable.
The tubes are strong and practically unbreakable, Professor Dhinojwala said, adding that other groups had tried making the tubes of plastic, but it turned out to be too weak.
The strand of the web was a fine, almost invisible and practically unbreakable strand made up of a single long-chain molecule.
This is where Pyrex custard cups were born, where Steuben crystal decanters were blown, where television tubes were shaped and where Corelle plates were proven to be practically unbreakable.
I am practically unbreakable.