GDT Tutorial by James Molloy, slightly more practically oriented.
Being practically oriented is another important characteristic of all degree courses of the University of Applied Sciences which is reflected in the obligatory internship phases.
Musicology also has two central, practically oriented subdisciplines with no parent discipline: performance practice and research, and the theory, analysis and composition of music.
It is an approach now being taken up increasingly, too, in teacher education; and could be countenanced much more in other practically oriented curricula.
The practically oriented degrees cover many disciplines from within the IT industry including software engineering, information systems, and data communications.
Comparing to other methods the LPI-fuzziness is algorithmically simple and particularly in decision making, more practically oriented.
As an academic discipline, systematic musicology is closely related to practically oriented disciplines such as music technology, music information retrieval, and musical robotics.
Certified Risk Manager (CRM) is a professional designation that is earned after the completion of five practically oriented courses.
More specifically, the journal includes "empirical investigations in experimental psychology that bridge practically oriented problems and psychological theory".
However, other practically oriented Unami materials use a writing system with conventional phonetic symbols.