He'd practically memorized the letters.
And long before starting the ballet, he had practically memorized "The Complete Lyrics of Cole Porter," edited by Robert Kimball, who became a valuable adviser on the project.
Frances Bolduc, a taxi driver from Quincy, has practically memorized Mr. Bulger's testimony and is able to quote parts.
Ms. Sanders has practically memorized the review, repeating its lines in pleased disbelief as she stands in front of her modest clapboard house on the farm, a wisteria tree flanking the walk, all purple flowers drooping over twisted branches.
In the past week Emily had practically memorized the Empire's limited selections.
Since I'd practically memorized every book in the house--we only had three--she said I might as well acquire a useful skill.
I called the alumni office and was told that the man whose files I had practically memorized was living in California.
We had the manual translated, and by the time we were done we [272] all had practically memorized it.
He had practically memorized the reports which littered his desk.
"Our agents have practically memorized the zoning of the neighborhoods in Manhattan."