He cut a small bite of the beef, and chewed, not that he had to work, since the meat practically melted in his mouth.
You can see the enthusiasm in the video: the stage performers and audience members practically melt together as one - that's how it should be!
The curry bit back, precisely as it should, and the beef was so tender it practically melted on the fork.
The shell practically melted all of my equipment.
The bacon was really good, so crunchy it practically melted.
His face, meanwhile, practically melts away, revealing his radioactive skull.
And don't pass up the starkly white fresh octopus, which practically melts in the mouth.
The oysters, like the clams, were fried flawlessly, yielding a delicate crunch before practically melting in the mouth.
I liked the notion of wrapping cod in rice paper, which practically melts away as it cooks, leaving very tender fish.
Mark practically melted beside her, reaching for her.