And that means practically everyone in both nations.
This practically means, that instead of sending an acknowledgement in an individual frame it is piggy-backed on the data frame.
This practically meant that all major parties, including the confessional parties needed to agree with the change.
The word "orthodoxy" not only no longer means being right; it practically means being wrong.
"That practically means taking both ships apart," he said flatly.
And, in any case, it practically means that there is no hope for her--or me.
All white men in the Solomons catch yaws, and every cut or abrasion practically means another yaw.
It means practically that the player has to pass as many as possible songs without making any mistakes at all.
I can't argue that, but it's a mystery to me if it's better, and I'm not sure what it practically means.
As he announces his intention of going within a fortnight, this will mean practically a little over six months from now.