Warfare play it very well and, coming from a region that is practically devoid of successful artists, they should at least be recognised for that fact.
The area that is periodically submerged accounts for over 80% of the total surface and is practically devoid of vegetation.
Its legal terminology is practically devoid of loan words from foreign languages, suggesting that it is truly indigenous.
Since it is practically devoid of any social consciousness, it gave her the chance to do something unabashedly commercial.
Since the movement was practically devoid of any international dimension, its history has remained remote from the mainstream of world anti-communist resistance.
Vegetable life on Jupiter, practically devoid of sunlight, has developed along entirely different lines from that on earth.
At issue is an unstructured ticket policy during the 1990-91 basketball season that was practically devoid of checks and balances.
It is couched in complex bureaucratic language that is practically devoid of meaning.
This empty space - sometimes called interstellar space - is practically devoid of all matter, so it's effectively a vacuum.
It is a cold, dry, and desolate area, practically devoid of vegetation.