The disaster having taken place, however, the meeting must concern itself only with practical remedies.
Here are some practical remedies that may help, but much will depend on the weather.
This is why, impeachment of judges, however corrupt they might be, is not a practical remedy in discipling them.
Either solution is a practical remedy for those tired of waiting for their printers to get on with the job.
He prescribes practical remedies for too much density and for too little.
Captain Helding was ready with his own practical remedy for this difficulty.
Mr. Thiemann's philosophical diagnosis is persuasive, but his practical remedies are obscure.
Seek a practical remedy before you try to change your child.
The issue's chief value is in provoking debate since it is easier to dissent about existing conditions than to present practical remedies.
Such reactions hastily minimize a public annoyance and ignorantly dismiss a practical remedy.