This is not just a philosophical question: it has great practical relevance to parents and educators.
Symbols can be extremely important," she replied, "when they have a possible practical relevance.
Some researchers say they believe that the practical relevance of many tests has been oversold.
The approach is not only intended to yield academic insights but also to be of practical relevance.
At the same time, a great deal of attention is paid to the practical relevance of the degree programs.
This gives perfectly objective results, but their practical relevance is still arguable.
"Still, we believe it is necessary to strike a new balance between scientific rigor and practical relevance."
"We view a topic of practical relevance through a spiritual lens," he said.
Now, this final chapter considers the book's practical relevance: what does it all mean to us today?
As a matter of current practical relevance, we cannot install democracy in Latin America.