In 1991, the court held that once a school district has made a "good faith" effort and taken all "practicable" steps to end segregation, it should be released from its court order.
In the Oklahoma City case, the Court ruled that districts may be released from Federal court supervision once they have taken all "practicable" steps to eliminate the "vestiges" of official segregation.
But he and other American officials argue that every "practicable" step to restore the ranges is already being taken and say they simply cannot do what Panama wants.
He combined largeness of vision with a restless search for immediately practicable steps.
It is important, as I have said, that all practicable steps be taken to prevent violence from being encouraged across the frontier.
However, Celtic were deemed to have taken all "reasonably practicable steps" to try and prevent the behaviour so no action was taken against them.
The company also needs to take reasonably practicable steps to eliminate, minimise or control the risks.
He also characterized the proposed agreement as 'a practicable manageable first step' toward harmony and indicated that he and Michels had formulated 'concrete and exact steps'for the future.
In addition, they have to "take all practicable steps" to promote the development and transfer of environmentally friendly technologies to developing countries.
The Supreme Court in that decision said that a formerly segregated school district may be released from court-ordered busing once it has taken all "practicable' steps to eliminate the legacy of segregation.