An unbelievably powerful wave of physical relief swept through her.
A powerful wave of nostalgia is sweeping the country's 32-to-50-year-old set.
"But we are planning a second wave much more organized and powerful, aiming for a general strike a couple of months from now."
The deck rose and fell as the ship sliced through the powerful waves.
Just as the most powerful waves lose their energy when they break against the shore, the same is generally true of emotions.
But he was swept suddenly by a powerful wave of nausea.
They survive a shark attack, and a powerful wave takes them to shore.
The excruciating pain came and went, but mostly it rushed through his body in powerful waves.
A second wave, more powerful than the first, struck her, and she had to cling to the wall with both hands.
Finally, he threw himself forward, into the water, and swam against the powerful incoming waves.