This is a powerful, but brief, segment of instruction time as it is when the teacher demonstrates, models, and shares what the teacher, is thinking.
Indeed, the compelling personal history of Jesse Jackson must inspire the least powerful and most despised segments of our body politic.
Among his most notable works as a composer, there are several large-scale suites for chamber music ensemble in the last ten years, combined with powerful segments of instrumental improvisation.
The President's invitation points up the United States assessment of the military as the most powerful segment of Panamanian society.
Mr. Frist is thus in some danger of alienating a powerful segment of the Republican political base.
But the most powerful segments of the film involve Mr. Golfus's own struggle with feeling like a freak in an able-bodied world.
As their name implies, the Elites are the most powerful and wealthiest segment of the population.
And its actions were deemed offensive by a powerful segment of the population - the conservative exiles who have made Miami home for the 40 years since the Cuban revolution.
The piece included a powerful segment that addressed voter disenfranchisement around the nation, both organized and self-inflicted.
When developing this infrastructure a state can meet several roadblocks including policy capture from powerful segments of the population, opposition from interest groups, and ethnic and religious division.