More reliable data for the metal workers, the most powerful sector, show only 20-25 per cent unionization.
But even the Swedes might want in if their powerful private sector becomes convinced that it is missing the benefits.
They argue that consumers don't want to drive lighter, smaller cars, and that any new standards would slow a powerful sector of the economy.
It had too many informational resources, too much apparent influence in powerful sectors.
The president announced to the nation on March 18, 1938, the expropriation of the single most powerful and valuable foreign sector in Mexico.
However, the problem lies in donations from the highly powerful private sector, on which it remains as quiet as the grave.
I believe that cars obviously do have their good points; the automotive sector is an extremely powerful economic sector in Europe.
The people in this very powerful sector are worth learning more about.
But they get very little in the way of attention or resources from the most powerful sectors of society.
They did so despite expensive foreign imports, diminished export markets, and a powerful opposing private sector.