Landing on The Strangler's back, the lion raked downward with its powerful hind paws.
Behind, they could just discern great, powerful paws and a shaggy, black body.
The powerful paw closed over his and held on.
They also have large, strong bodies, muscular legs with dark markings, and powerful, oval shaped paws.
With a rake of those powerful paws he sent Oog flying against the wall.
A tiny little step, as if he hadn't moved his powerful paws at all, just slid when the wind pushed him.
Striding heavily over to the boulder, he stretched his powerful paws to its sides, grunting as he cautioned his friends, "Stand out of the way!"
They have powerful front paws so they can dig.
It stood - as had the riders - utterly motionless, glittering chains draping its massive shoulders and curling around its powerful paws.