Sometime after 9 September 1359, Joan married Humphrey de Bohun, one of the most powerful noblemen in the realm.
Royal rule became established, and he consolidated power through a network of powerful noblemen (some of whom were relatives); church organisation also developed.
Her father was one of the most powerful noblemen in England, and the most important supporter of the House of York.
Some of Russia's most powerful noblemen began to plot Paul's assassination.
Members of the Freire family gave rise powerful noblemen in Portugal during the time of the reconquista.
In the 12th century, Villemagne was under the control of the two most powerful noblemen in the region:
A group of powerful noblemen pressed their way through, preceded by men-at-arms three abreast, mounted on great destriers and hoisting gilded spears.
Brerewood served as the procurement agent for army regiments controlled by several of the most powerful noblemen of the day.
In later years, "Red" Gilbert would become one of the most powerful and important noblemen in the kingdom.
When Andrew III died in 1301, the entire kingdom was in the hands of a dozen powerful noblemen.