He is also an amoral, sadistic lunatic and a powerful necromancer with extensive knowledge of black magic.
A powerful necromancer himself, he had many long years left to stave off that fate.
Obviously intelligent, a powerful necromancer, such a man would certainly have looked for and found any ancient records those early Sartan had left.
As the series progresses, a powerful necromancer from the 16th century, Antonia, possesses the body of Marnie in order to exact revenge on all vampires.
"It enables a less powerful necromancer to raise older dead, to borrow the power of some much greater necromancer."
During this time, he also imprisoned the Watcher, an evil and powerful necromancer, beneath the Cloudspine mountain range.
Hokan was once a Circle Mage, too, the most powerful necromancer ever known.
The imp clutched the powerful necromancer's stone all the tighter and dropped his powder into the burning brazier.
In Śivadāsa's version, King Vikramāditya's kingdom is endangered by the machinations of a powerful necromancer.
Arkhan the Black- Nagash's most trusted follower and a powerful necromancer in his own right.