With a powerful leap, Carter reached the arched doorway.
He dropped a coin, then Pushed himself in a powerful leap.
The red jacket had flown the best part of twenty feet and the tiger covered the distance in one powerful leap.
He took a powerful leap from the bank that landed him almost directly in front of the struggling girl.
The frogs are large, have powerful leaps, and inevitably escape after which they may wreak havoc among the native frog population.
The spy's body gave a powerful galvanic leap like that of a bucking bronco.
He then went back a way and made three powerful leaps in rapid succession.
With a powerful leap he dashed two of the soldiers to the floor, knocked another flying, and was through the curtain before anyone could move.
His trained muscles hurled him up to his feet and across the room in one powerful leap.
The powerful leap carried him high, then down with spine-shattering force onto the back of his opponent.