It was a libel case between two very eminent and powerful financiers, against both of whom charges of considerable defalcation were brought.
It's one of the many little miracles of the Valley that its most powerful financier is...a nice guy!
But the public, already angry at the costly excesses of politically powerful financiers, has been had.
The Kremlin has long talked about prosecuting tax delinquents, only to back away in the face of fierce political pressure from powerful financiers and businessmen.
No, Edmund Wyatt hadn't an inkling that the son he'd conceived that night was now the most powerful financier on the planet.
Leading in dustrialists from the major powers to the north, the West, and the southwest Completed by the most powerful financiers within Germany itself.
The battle for Equity Office pits some of the most powerful and colorful financiers against each other.
At war's end, he maintained a residence in England where he ran an investment business that made him one of Europe's most powerful financiers.
He never imagined becoming one of Russia's most powerful financiers and one of the most influential players in its economic transformation.
Indeed, some say he was the model for Nessim Hosnani, the powerful Coptic financier who plays a central role in the story.