Soap powder was blown down the set by powerful fans.
The rooms have brilliant comfortable beds, with mosquito nets and a powerful fan in the room to keep you cool!
Later three women look as if their heads will be blown off by the same powerful fan.
To prevent overheating, servers often have more powerful fans.
As befits such a place, an armed soldier is ever present at the mausoleum's entrance along with a powerful fan since it does get hot.
A yellow cloud began to spill out, driven by the lift's powerful fans.
It also includes a 54-pint dehumidifier and a powerful 3-speed fan, making this portable air conditioner a 3-in-1 home comfort system.
Perhaps more important, Lowe's work has a powerful fan.
The powerful fans buffeted the spacers beneath, knocking some to their knees.
Mounted at the other end was a powerful upright fan.