During a powerful eruption on August 30, 1902, a pyroclastic flow extended further east than the flows of 8 and 20 May.
The last eruption of Grímsvötn was in 2004, with the previous most powerful eruptions in 1783, 1873 and 1902.
The sound, some 3 km (2 miles) in diameter, is thought to be a huge caldera that formed after a powerful volcanic eruption.
The most powerful eruption since the big bang apparently has occurred there.
The powerful climactic eruption of May 22 also swept away the northeast lobe of the lava flow extruded two days earlier.
In a study published online by the journal Science, the scientists say that Etna may be due for a period of frequent and powerful eruptions.
The Mount Tambora eruption is recognized as the most powerful eruption in recorded history.
It is believed that the powerful eruptions damaged its internal plumbing system, and it now boils as a productive hot spring most of the time.
A powerful eruption could have serious consequences for both Iceland and the world.
The crater was formed by a powerful eruption in 1902, the same year as the eruption of Mt Pelee.