The first inkling that something was wrong came when, just before 4pm, a powerful current of air suddenly shot up the shaft.
The entire river has powerful currents and is very cold.
"That is, the force comes from a powerful current of stored electricity."
"As such, it is grounded in some of the century's most powerful conceptual currents."
Only the most powerful local currents of Time may be foretold.
He didn't really want a child at all, but powerful currents are rushing downriver, taking him along.
This check seemed to let fall a barrier across a very powerful current of desire.
For interminable ticking seconds, he could not understand why the noise itself had sent such a powerful current of fear through him.
Apparently they were low enough that the powerful current was diminished.
We're right in a powerful current of air, and steering won't do any good, until we have some motion of our own.