Several such colonial grandees have already made their peace with Communism, and the powerful international financial community seems at the moment similarly sanguine.
We get no action because we don't appear to be a powerful community, but that will change.
The most intensely unified, the most powerful human community that's ever existed.
So for the next two hundred years, Haiti would be faced with the active hostility from the world's most powerful community of nations.
General problems typically become political footballs, some of which eventually land in the least powerful communities.
And there is no evidence at all that either the public or the leaders of the powerful financial community have lost confidence in him.
But the law created politically powerful immigrant communities.
Our goal is help build effective, powerful communities through the construction of meaningful and useful monuments to the collective spirit.
Much of the undecided vote is in the large and increasingly powerful Asian community.
As a religious martyr, she was also popular in the powerful Catholic community.